
KYBELLA ™ is a new treatment that was recently approved by the FDA to improve the appearance and profile of those who suffer from sub-mental fat in the chin area, also known as “double chin.”

KYBELLA ™ is a non-surgical alternative to sub-mental lipsuction. Those who have received KYBELLA ™ injections to targeted areas have experienced reduced chin fat and dramatic neck contour improvement. There is some amount of swelling, bruising, pain and numbness to be expected following treatment.


  • Kybella is FDA-approved
  • No anesthesia or surgery required
  • Fat cells are destroyed for good.
  • Fast and efficient treatments
  • Appear younger and thinner
  • May eliminate the embarrassment caused by a double chin

What to expect from KYBELLA®

Before starting treatment, your healthcare specialist will examine the area under and around your chin to determine if KYBELLA® is right for you. Then, your specialist will tailor your treatment to the amount of fat under the chin and your aesthetic goals.

Will I need time to recover?

After KYBELLA® treatment, you will likely have some swelling, bruising, or numbness under your chin. Be sure to inform your healthcare professional if you develop an uneven smile, facial muscle weakness, or difficulty swallowing.

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Carla Quinn is my skin angel. Everyone asks me about my skin everywhere I go.
- Amelia E.

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Dr Clark has been a Godsend for me as she transforms my skin into a healthy glow once again.
- Tina A.